#UsingLessDoingMore 2024

Let’s make a difference, together!

Initiated by

Using Less

You reduce your carbon footprint by taking small actions in your local area

Doing More 

We reduce carbon footprint on a global scale through our ongoing activities and projects

This year we are focusing on five pillars of activities that can have a huge
positive impact on our planet:
Energy Conservation
Waste Management
Reuse Materials
Supporting Local Agriculture
Smart Water Management

Using less

Are you already a part of the movement? Awesome! You can keep making small changes in your daily lives to make a big impact and help the planet. Here are some easy examples to try out:

Put solar on your roof

Using solar energy reduces reliance on fossil fuels, mitigating air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Sort waste into different bins

Sorting waste allows for effective recycling, reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and reduces greenhouse gas emissions associated with waste disposal.

Use bottles and pipes to create green walls

When we upcycle materials (like pipes and bottles) we create less waste, which  means less usage of valuable resources in the recycling process (transportation, water and energy).

Shop in farmers market

Shopping in farmers markets helps the planet by reducing carbon emissions associated with long-distance transportation of food.

Turn off the water when brushing your teeth

Conserving water resources helps reduce energy usage associated with water treatment and distribution, and helps prevent water pollution by minimizing the release of wastewater.


It can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions as manufacturing products from recycled materials requires less energy than making products from new materials

Sundry your clothes

Air-drying clothes is better for the environment as it requires less energy and helps to protect the environment by saving precious fossil fuels

Doing More

This is where Netafim steps in. We’re as equally committed as you to “walk the talk” and protect our planet.
Here’s how we do it:

Energy Conservation

We’re committed to reducing our carbon emissions by 47% by 2030. In 2023, three of our plants have already transitioned to 100% renewable energy consumption.

Smart Water Management

We do what we do best :) Helping thousands of farmers around the world to implement precision irrigation solutions that help them grow more with less.

Reuse Materials

We partner with our customers to collect and recycle their end-of-life driplines. In 2023, through our 18 ReGen™ programs and 2 recycling plants, we produced 20,000 tons of recycled driplines.

Supporting Local Agriculture

We partner with governments and local organisations to implement farming projects that strengthen local communities and alleviate poverty. Our new community pilots in Peru, India and Africa are some examples of our many projects.

Waste Management

We’re committed to reducing our waste footprint. In 2023 five more Netafim plants moved to ZWTL (Zero Waste To Landfill) which means 85% of our plants meet the ZWTL Goal

Are you ready to join our efforts to protect our planet
for future generations?

Awesome! Small changes in your daily lives can make a big impact.
Here are some easy examples to try out:

Donate stuff

Sort waste into different bins

Join a community garden nearby

Implement leak detection systems


Use reusable containers for food

Educate and raise awareness

Switch to an electric car

Use reusable products

Employ soil moisture sensors

Use bottles and pipes to create green walls

Start composting

Implement greywater recycling

Exchange goods: clothes, books, games

Use energy-efficient settings


Install solar panels on roof

Refurbish old furniture

Educate and raise awareness

Buy from local farmers

Wash your car by hand rather than with a hose

Use bottles and pipes to create urban gardens

Ride your bicycle to work

Dry your clothes in the sun

Turn off the water when brushing your teeth

Use energy-efficient appliances

Every action, small or big, can have a huge impact!

Let’s continue working together to protect our planet and preserve it for future generations.

Thank you for being part of Netafim’s #UsingLessDoingMore movement!  

Today you proved that a small action can have a big impact. 

The activity’s Facebook post
Plant a Tree